Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Indonesia Negotiating Purchase of US Apache Helicopters

Defense minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said that negotiations for the purchase of some Apache helicopters from the US were still ongoing.

"It is still under process but what is important is that the US government has approved it," he said here on Saturday.

Purnomo was here to monitor distribution of cash handouts for the poor following the government's recent decision to increase the prices of subsidized fuel oils.

The minister said the idea to purchase a number of assault helicopters was connected with the preparations for the formation of an Apache Squadron as part of efforts to build a defense system to safeguard the country's sovereignty.

He said several countries in Asia such as China and Japan are currently also building their defense forces.

"Seeing the conditions we must also prepare ourselves but it is not for war but for protecting Indonesia's sovereignty," he said.

He said the Apache helicopters would also be used to secure the country's natural resources that are located in areas bordering other countries.

The minister said as part of the development of the country's defense forces the Indonesian Navy is also preparing anti-submarine helicopters that could be carried by Indonesian warships, a fleet of destroyers of ships with missiles and submarines.

"Thank God, Indonesia's economy is quite good so that some funds could be used for improving public welfare and defense power to meet future challenges," he said.

The army plans to purchase 40 Apache helicopters at a cost of US$ 40 million per unit.

 ● Antara  

1 komentar:

  1. Kalau menurut saya, pengadaan alutsista selain memperhatikan kualitas juga mempertimbangkan situasi regional yg kadang memanas dng masalah perbatasan selain terkait masalah laut hindia, laut cina selatan, celah timor di laut timor, pengamanan pulau2 terluar dan pulau2 yg berbatas darat dng negara2 lain, misalnya kalimantan, NTT, dan papua nugini, pulau2 yg berbatas laut dng indonesia adalah malaysia, singapura, filipina, papua nugini, australia, di antara2 negaa tersebut sudah kita kenal tergabung dng negara persemakmuran inggris raya yg karakteristiknya main keroyok, filipina dan singapura didukung oleh amerika, papua nugini yg didukung oleh australia, inggris, amerika, juga belanda, timor leste yg didukung oleh portugal, saran saya kalau emang ga bisa ditawar harganya, ya mbok pemerintah adakan yg lain jng bersih keras, krn kalau kelamaan debat, ntar wilayah indonesia diambil satu persatu oleh negara lain, dan jika amerika tdk bisa menurunkan harga heli apache, setelah mempertimbangkan beberapa heli serang selain apache, Kamov Ka-50/52 Hokum, Mi-28N Havoc, Eurocopter EC-665 Tiger Australia, MI 35 P, Heli Serang Afrika Selatan CSH-2 Rooivalk, AH-1 Super Cobra, Heli Serang RRC WZ-10, heli serang Italia A-129 Mangusta, saran saya Indonesia membeli 144 unit AH-1 Super Cobra, 40 unit Mi-28N Havoc, 40 unit A-129 Mangusta, jangan lupa utk menjaga helicopter serang tetap aman, sebaiknya Indonesia juga membeli S 300 dan panstyr dalam bentuk tank maupun yg beroda serta kendaraan yg dilengkapi rudal mistrak serta RPG.


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